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Current Genealogical News



Genealogical DNA Links



Companies who perform DNA tests for genealogical purposes* 

Genetic Genealogy

Family Tree DNA

African Ancestry

Ancestry.com FAQ on Genealogical DNA






*Note:  Pryor-Blackwell, LLC provides these links for informational purposes only, has no affiliation with nor assumes any liability for customers using the above companies.






Standing on the Shoulders of Our Ancestors



We at Pryor-Blackwell believe that we all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.  In addition to perhaps our hair or eye color, our height and even our body stature, our ancestors paved the way for us.    Genealogy is WHO we are.  Pryor-Blackwell, LLC was formed to help others discover who they are, to discover upon whose shoulders they stand.


For some people, hiring a professional researcher to help with their research is a decision laced with questions and uncertainty. One of the first things people ask themselves is, "How can I be assured that the researcher will uncover the information I am looking for?" The fact is, you can't. There is never 100% certainty that the information you seek is available. Records are fraught with inaccuracies, occasionally events are not recorded; and many records are destroyed over time. We are experts, however, at uncovering the information that does exist about your ancestors. 


Please feel free to browse our website to discover more about us and how we can assist you on your genealogical search.  If you have any questions after doing so, please click on our Contact link to request more information.


Yours on the Genealogical Search,



Pryor-Blackwell, LLC